My dream job is intellectual, yet involves a lot of contact with people.
My dream job is extremely creative, yet not artistic.
My dream job involves speaking in public and has a certain performance aspect to it, but includes some special quiet time too.
My dream job is objective-driven. One must constantly strive for success -- but not the financial kind.
My dream job changes constantly: with the years, with the time of day, and with the seasons.
I have been working at my dream job for 25 years now. Not all of my friends and acquaintances were pleased with my choice.
"We always thought you'd make something out of yourself, Betty," announced a high school friend when she found out what I was doing. (Ironically, after a number of years in various sales positions, she is now doing the same job as I am. I guess she got tired of making something out of herself.)
My dream job is my current job, and it was my first "career" job. If--and only if -- I can keep my energy up, it will be my last.
I am a teacher.
(This post was inspired by the Sunday Scribblings subject of "First Job, Worst Job, Dream Job." I'm sure this will be a really interesting scribble, so click by and take a look at the other posts.
My dream job is extremely creative, yet not artistic.
My dream job involves speaking in public and has a certain performance aspect to it, but includes some special quiet time too.
My dream job is objective-driven. One must constantly strive for success -- but not the financial kind.
My dream job changes constantly: with the years, with the time of day, and with the seasons.
I have been working at my dream job for 25 years now. Not all of my friends and acquaintances were pleased with my choice.
"We always thought you'd make something out of yourself, Betty," announced a high school friend when she found out what I was doing. (Ironically, after a number of years in various sales positions, she is now doing the same job as I am. I guess she got tired of making something out of herself.)
My dream job is my current job, and it was my first "career" job. If--and only if -- I can keep my energy up, it will be my last.
I am a teacher.
(This post was inspired by the Sunday Scribblings subject of "First Job, Worst Job, Dream Job." I'm sure this will be a really interesting scribble, so click by and take a look at the other posts.
Same here. I too have my dream job currently.
Amen! You are a dream person with a dream job. You have made so much of yourself.
And I envy you both! Maybe some day I will be able to join the ranks! I have always wanted to be a teacher. I guess I should count my lucky stars that I get to teach my little toddler sons the basics before someone else gets to take over in a school setting :o)
I loved reading this post--dream jobs lived are wonderful to witness. Ultimately it can never be driven by financial gain, you must love what you are doing. And where there is love the whole world benefits. Thanks for making this a better world! (Simple math equation, right?) :)
I take great pleasure in teaching. It's nice to see your level of involvement with what you do.
What a beautiful post, Betty! I think it definitely takes someone very special, driven, motivated and inspired to devote yourself to this honorable profession, and how wonderful that it is also your dream job!
Now, if only I could figure out my *own* dream job... I'm still not sure what that is!
My current job isn't my dream job, but it's close enough. Can't complain.
Teaching has got to be one of the hardest and most rewarding jobs there are. Keep it up!
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