Saturday, April 21, 2007


Plant a baby girl in the late 1950s
Water her regularly with Pacific Northwest rain
Watch her grow up; no pruning needed
Transfer her to a ceramic pot and move her to a warmer climate for four years
Rush her back to the Evergreen State before she dries out
Let her roots take hold there for nine more years
Dig her up and replant her in three different French climates:
Heat, more rain, a little of everything,whatever
She's low maintenance
Two offshoots sprout up
Where are their roots?

(This post was inspired by the Sunday Scribblings prompt of the week: "rooted." Read more "rooted" posts here.)


Anonymous said...

Great take on the prompt.
Your roots have had lots of adventures.

Regina said...

Sounds complicated indeed!

Anonymous said...

I come from one of nine. I aways compared it to being volunteer plants as opposed to potted ones.

My piece has some tranplanting in it as well.

Christy Woolum said...

It was nice to hear from you on my blog. Yes, this world gets smaller and smaller. I loved the poem you did. I think I will try something different one week on S. Scribblings- depending on the prompt!

Patois42 said...

Enjoyed reading your post. "Where are their roots," indeed.

deedee said...

I like this, the prompt immediately made me think of myself and all the moves I've made, so I really like your take on this Scribbling. I was gona all weekend, but I'll be back to Scribbling next Sunday.