I have been wanting to post to
Ten on Tuesday for several weeks, but find it is pretty hard to think of ten of anything on short notice. I always seem to come up with five, but then struggle with the rest.
This week's subject struck my fancy, though:
Ten Favorite Movies from your Childhood
I haven't looked at the other posts yet, but know I will sadly realize that my childhood must seem practically prehistoric to many of the bloggers.
Be that as it may, this was still a fun list to write.
My parents encouraged my love of musicals, and I am carrying it on to my own children, who are participating (as I blog this) in an
excellent summer musical comedy program in Olympia, Washington.
Most of these movies aren't really "kids' movies" as such, and a few are definitely adult movies. In fact, 2001 and Dr. Zhivago are among the first "grown-up" flicks I saw -- which may be why they left such an impression on me.
I'm not sure these are in order of preference, but they are roughly in the order of the number of times I saw them. For the top five, that was an awful lot.
1. The Sound of Music
2. The Wizard of Oz
3. Mary Poppins
4. 2001: A Space Odyssey
5. Oliver
6. The Pink Panther
7. Doctor Zhivago
8. My Fair Lady
9. Pinocchio
10. The Aristocats