When I arrived at university in 1977, most of the older boys were still frequenting hair salons...infrequently. But by the end of my college experience, it was morning in America, and barber shops were sharpening their scissors and razors for a haircut-intensive decade.
Recently, I've noticed that long hair has crept back into young men's psyches -- and onto their heads.
This is as it should be.
(Click here for more hair, courtesy of Sunday Scribblings.)
Frankly, I don't like long hair on men.
They appear untidy, unruly and irresponsible to me.
I looked up the lyrics to the song Hair after a line of it got stuck in my head, after reading what the prompt was this week. In the end I was too lazy to write more than a few sentences, but my picture is worth a thousand.
I agree. I love "longish" hair on men. Here in Virgina all lengths are represented but whenever I went home to Mass. I was disappointed not to see anyone with long hair.
Gautami, I think long hair particularly suits young men -- teenagers and college students. I agree that on full-out adults, it often looks a little unkempt. It depends on the person and the hairstyle, though.
I was just recently noticing the long look returning in young men but I hope the older men don't notice. :)
Long live the long hair! Living in a beach area I often see young men with shoulder length hair and it looks fine. I too had that hair when I was in college: its fun and hip!
Right on Betty C -- long live the long-haired mindset... ;)
I don't know if i can share your entusiasm: in truth, not many men can get away with long hair.
But i do like the idea that they feel free to grow their hair as long as they please.
I like well kept long hair on men, specially all those goth boys.... But no it looks awful if its not well kept.
I, too, enjoy long hair on boys and young men. I'm glad my two sons want to be rock n roll stars, so they've got long'ish hair. My husband, sadly, prefers the short route.
It is funny how each of us thinks of men with long hair. Most of the time I don't like it, however, on a few men I think it is very sexy. I think I like it better on a mature man then on a teen too. Isn't that strange?
The musical was the first thing I thought of when I saw the prompt too.
I just feel like youth is a great time for guys to have long hair. I agree with some of you that later, it doesn't always look so good. To each HIS own, anyway.
Betty C,
I've worn my hair from bald to shoulder length (in my twenties) and everything in between in cluding a ponytail for a few years. I prefer it short, but my wife prefers it longer. Must be my military training that makes me find short more attractive.
Thanks for taking a peek under the microscope.
I remember them days too! ;) It's all 'anything goes' now isn't it? Some have long hair, some short, some in between. It depends on personalities as to what suits. Some men actually suit being bald better than having lots of hair. e.g Bruce Willis.
When I saw my son for his college graduation two months ago, he hadn't had his hair cut since Christmas, and his girlfriend was calling him "emo boy," but it looked good. (He tells me he STILL hasn't cut it, though.)
I prefer men's hair on the longer side too, but I'm getting to the age group where the men have less hair to work with, period. My husband's not there yet, though, and lets his grow out more in cooler weather, and it looks great on him.
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