While America mourns the victims of the Virginia Tech massacre...
"guns don't kill, people do," right Mr. President?
Don't forget to read articles about other massacres like in Iraq and Afghanistan ...
but maybe "bombs don't kill, people do." What do you think Mr. President?
"Well, look behind the eyes.
It's a hallowed hollow anesthetized
'save my own ass, screw these guys'
smoke and mirror lock down...
We're sick of being jerked around,
We all fall down."
(Lyrics from Bad Day by R.E.M.)
It is hard to not think of Bush/Cheney when the word wicked comes up.
I've often wondered if we might all be considered accomplices to his crimes someday because of our complacency...
I think of Bush after Hitler!
I'm sure everything we/they do, will catch up with us/them some day.
Betty - You go girl -- tell it like it is... I got your back!
Real wickedness there. And yes there's wickedness in the collective apathy and complacency too.
Real wickedness there. And yes there's wickedness in the collective apathy and complacency too.
The idiot Australian Prime Minister is known by some as "Bonsai" ... a little bush!!!! Now that is a real traditional meaning of wicked! You're not alone!
Could picture definition!
As someone who actively participated in the Viet Nam protests and marches, I am constantly amazed that even the students are doing so little about protesting the current situation.
But, then, maybe the draft was a good motivator...
Katiez definitely has a good point there...
I bitch about them constantly so I tried not to in this week's post, but this administration is truly wicked!
Thanks for all of the response on this post...it's interesting how everybody who commented agrees with my point of view.
Redness, thanks for the insight about the Australian P.M. -- I don't know much about Australian politics, sad to say. But sometimes I wish the rest of the world didn't have to know so much about US politics! We're not making a very good name for ourselves.
Why is this country silent? IMPEACH
All I can say is that I'm relieved, in a lot of ways, that I'm not living in the U.S. right now -- but I know that doesn't excuse me for being complacent in my own way either. I think that people like yourself, Betty, and Paris Parfait, who are constantly keeping the rest of us aware by writing about these subjects, are an inspiration to us all and are to be admired.
It's disgusting that no one with any power can get rid of this wicked, useless "person" in office... Along with all his cohorts.
I must really say I HAVE NO IDEA THIS TURD is still in office... If there are sooo many IMPEACH Bush campaigns throughout the U.S. it's really a wonder that he has NOT been impeached yet... And just think that Clinton was almost impeached over a BJ!! I am REALLY glad that I live in France.. because as much as I am STILL soooo frustrated over American politics.... at least I am in a land very far away... It's just soooo sad that this inhumane war has gone on for sooo many years (remember Vietnam) and sooo many people have died/suffered as a result of one man's LIE!! He won't be out of office soon enough in my opinion!! Hope them Dem's get back into the presidential office!!-- That's my cinq centimes!!
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